
Tuesday 26 July 2016

Men make better fish broth than women

Th-fronting refers to the pronunciation of the English "th" as "f" or "v". For example, "three" is pronounced as "free" and "bathe" is pronounced as "bave". Th-fronting is a prominent feature of several dialects of English, notably Cockney, Estuary English, some West Country dialects, as well as many foreign accents (though the details differ among those accents). Given our colonial history, I imagine this is why, to my confusion, Trinis pronounce "Fish Broth" as "Fish Brof".

A tasty bowl of Trini fish broth

Why eat fish broth? It is a cure for what ails you apparently. Fish consumption has repeatedly been shown to slow cognitive decline and improve memory; fish stock is often touted as an excellent source of iodine and healthy fats; the stock is rich in calcium, gelatin and thyroid-supporting nutrients; it's a popular remedy for  a hangover in Trinidad.

Grouper and king fish are the main stays of a good Trini broth but, really, any deep water fish will do. And you should include the head…not just for the shock value.

A grouper caught in Mayaro, Trinidad - that will make one massive pot of fish broth!

A fisherman and his King fish catch in Cocorite fishing facility

The broth is very aromatic thanks to numerous seasonings and vegetables cooked to create the consume and the fish itself. Of course, pepper! Can’t escape it. 

18 Feb 1797: Trinidad occupied by Britain.
27 Mar 1802: Spain formally cedes Trinidad to Britain; Trinidad is a British colony.

Sometimes a walk along St. James will bring the delicious scent of the soup on the fire at a bar. I’ve seen some cooks exclude the macaroni in the fish broth and replace it with a small dumplings. Do men make better fish broth than women? …Blasphemy? Let me know...

All I do know is that you make enough fish broth to feed a crowd and it better have at least half a bar of golden ray in it.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry but it's true. My uncle made the best fish broth with macaroni. Sorry ma!


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