Sunday 10 July 2016

Roti - all kinds, nuff said!

The word roti in Hindi actually is used to describe bread, so roti is basically flat bread. Roti is popular in weddings, prayers, parties/fetes.

Roti classified as being part of the Indian culture has crossed all racial and cultural lines to become classified as a true Trinidadian food. The early morning popular breakfast crowd usually enjoy a sada roti with tomato choka, baigan choka, caraille, ochro, fried potato (aloo), liver, gizzard, stew chicken or with almost any cooked meat.

Sada roti with fried aloo (potato) and bhaji

Lunch however brings out the variety of roti such as dhalpuri or bussup shot, which is usually sold with potato and channa, or goat, or beef, or chicken along with an array of veggies -bhaji, bodi, pumpkin, curried mango, and of course pepper sauce.

Dhalpuri is a type of Indian-inspired flat bread that is made in Trinidad. The flat bread is stuffed with a seasoned filling of ground split peas. A Dhalpuri can be eaten as is or with  some type of curried meat

Dhalpuri 'wrap' usually filled with vegetables and curried meats like chicken, duck, goat or shrimp

Curried channa and mango enveloped nicely in a dosti roti (dos means 2 in Hindi)

Silky Paratha or "buss up shut" roti

Paratha with curried channa and potato, pumpkin and amchar massala


  1. Need me some buss up shut now! Thanks!

  2. I love silky soft paratha...I miss Trinidad...


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