Saturday 9 July 2016

Pholourie without chutney is just wrong!

Pholourie is one of the, if not the most popular street food in T&T and can be found being sold, in the markets, in parlours, hot on the spot in food vans, on street corners, after fetes (parties), by the beach just about everywhere. You can if you wish pick up a pack of pholourie mix in the supermarket, make a batter and fry and then, as it comes out piping hot add some chutney and eat away to your stomach's delight.

Delicious pillowy pholourie

Pholourie is an Indo-Trinidadian savoury fritter made from seasoned split pea flour and deep fried. It is served at all sorts of occasions: at weddings receptions, house parties, family gatherings and so on. It can be bought on the street from street-food vendors, Indo-Trinidadian fast food cafes or made and served at home. Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside and pretty much melts in the mouth. It’s usually served a thin sweet chutney sauce (usually made from mango or tamarind) and of course hot pepper sauce! 

Pholourie with mango chutney

Pholourie with tamarind sauce


  1. Fluffy phoulourie ..... I heading to Debe niw! Thanks for the post!

  2. I remember buying this from the lady in primary school and she used to put it in a small square of kite paper and drizzle mango chutney all over good!


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